Narrow Top Car Plastic License Plate Frames

Frame color:
- Arial
- Georgia Bold
- Georgia Bold Italic
- Clarendon BT
- Comic Sans MS bold
- Cooper
- Shrikhand
- Carter One
- Collegiate
- Square 721
- Wide Latin
Top text:
Bottom text:
- save $4 was: $28.99 ea
Sale: $24.99 ea
Narrow Top Car 2-hole Plastic Custom Laser Engraved License Plate Frames are very popular and widely used as a great gift, to promote business, clubs, sports teams, and more!
Buyers from LA, OR, OH, ME, KY, IA, ID, MS, NH, NM, SC, RI, SD, VT, WV, WI, CO, MN, GA and other states that have registration stickers on the bottom corners of the license plate, we suggest to use one of the following products to comply with your state regulations: Car 4-Hole Frame, Thin-Top Car 4-Hole license plate frame, Car Narrow-Top Aluminum Frames, All-States Metal Frames, Elegance - Car Metal License Plate Frames, CNC Machined Aluminum Frames Slim Line Black Edition, CNC Machined Aluminum Frame Single Badge or Double Badge or CNC Machined Aluminum Frame (Black Edition)